Unisys Hires Cognizant Exec as General Counsel and Secretary
Claudius Sokenu will join Unisys in his new role on May 2.
Unisys Corp.
Unisys Corp.
has hired former
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.
Claudius Sokenu
as its general counsel and secretary.
In his new role, effective May 2, Mr. Sokenu will lead the information-technology services provider’s legal, corporate-secretary, and ethics and compliance functions world-wide. He will report to Unisys Chief Executive
Peter Altabef.
Mr. Sokenu is succeeding
Gerald Kenney,
who is retiring, according to the company.
At Cognizant, Mr. Sokenu worked as senior vice president, global deputy general counsel and chief of staff to the general counsel, and before that served as the global head of ethics and compliance and global head of litigation and investigations at energy company Andeavor, now part of
Marathon Petroleum Corp.
He also was a partner at law firms Shearman & Sterling LLP, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP and Mayer Brown LLP.
Last week, Unisys, of Blue Bell, Pa., announced it had hired
Dun & Bradstreet Corp.
executive Debra McCann as executive vice president and chief financial officer.
In February, Unisys announced revenue growth of 1.4% for 2021, along with a net loss of $448.5 million from continuing operations.
Write to David Smagalla at [email protected]
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