Packing Snacks for the Pool
If you follow me on Instagram [specifically my Instagram stories] then you’ve probably witnessed our summer routine: some work. Mostly pool. Not a bad life, am I right?! And lucky for the Serbinski team, we not only belong to our neighborhood pool, but we know a few people with backyard pools. Counting my blessings with this one… because if there’s one BUG the kids got from their Momma, it’s the water-bug. We love being near or on water when we can!
From the picture above and the title of this post, I guess you can guess where I’m taking this snacking roadshow next: the pool! We are in the middle of the months filled with wet car seats, SPF perfume, and yes, pool snacks. Oh and some extra calorie burning for Mom. Because I’m spending my time running from the little pool to the big pool watching the kiddos. I’m also handing out snacks to the kids because there’s one thing swimming seems to bring on besides a wet car floor, and that’s a BIG APPETITE.
Here’s a snapshot of some of our favorite pool snacks:
Whether it’s the pool, beach, park, heck, a friends house, if I’m in charge of bringing snacks, I always bring two things essential to clean-up: wipes and trash bags. I’ve also gotten a little smarter [just a little] and bring fruits and veggies that really hold well in hot temps: clementines, grapes, and apples for fruit, and then peppers and cucumbers for vegetables.
As far as the snacky-snacks go, you can’t go wrong with just about any cracker, cookie, or chip. To make your life easier you can do one of two things: prepackage the snacks by adding them to individual Ziploc bags, or bring paper plates/bowls to serve while at the pool. This has helped me somewhat manage the mess my team leaves behind as well as the clean-up for Mom. As far as drinks go, I’ll bring canned flavored water or water bottles. Milk and pool water just doesn’t sit well with me. So clear liquids it is!
I’ve seen many families walk into the pool with a wagon for towels, floaties, and food, and am considering ordering one from Amazon. Coolers also work too! When I bring refrigerated options I tend to serve those first [like the Lunchables above].
So tell me: what pool essentials [both snacks and equipment!] do you pack?
Looking for more snack ideas? You might like a few of these posts!
15 Healthy Road Trip Snacks
Healthy Summer Snacks for Kids
25 Snack Ideas for Kids