The Chase’s Bradley Walsh reveals secret health struggle which changes his appearance
Comedian Bradley Walsh is fast becoming a national treasure fronting hit TV show The Chase, however the star has revealed he his battling a painful health condition, which he says is altering his appearance.
The 61-year-old entertainer has revealed he suffers “seriously bad” from blepharitis, a medical condition which causes the eyes to become red and swollen.
And now fans have started to question his appearance.
In an interview on This Morning, Bradley explained: “People don’t realise I have seriously bad blepharitis.
“I have to take one pill a day for it or I really struggle. I am going to need my eyes operated on at some point to sort it out.
“So many times, people have commented on how I look. But they don’t realise. If I take medication though, I’m fine.”

(Image: ITV WS)
Bradley discussed his condition on This Morning with Eammon and Ruth in 2017 telling the couple that the condition causes red, swollen, itchy eyelids and flakes or crusts at the base of the eyelashes.
While blepharitis is not usually serious, it can lead to other problems, such as dry eyes, cysts and conjunctivitis, particularly if it’s not treated.
This isn’t the first time the entertainer has opened up about his health.
The star was warned last year that he was at risk of dying from heart disease, which has made him a ‘ticking time bomb’.
The TV host is at high risk of getting the deadly condition as his own father Daniel died of it when he was just 59-years-old.
After getting the dire warning from his cardiologist he was shocked into quitting booze and carbs, which has helped him lose 10lbs.
He told The Sun : “I was a time bomb. I produce too much cholesterol. It’s a silent killer. My heart guy said, ‘Look, Brad, you need to get fit.”

Bradley revealed that he gets his heart tested every couple of years.
He has a carotid artery test which he says tell you how much furring you’ve got in the artery.
This is an “accurate predictor” of whether you’ll then have furring in your heart.
Tests found that he had too much cholesterol in his blood and he was motivated to get healthy.

Bradley added: “I had a hang-up because my father, Daniel, died at the age of 59.
“I had it in the back of my mind that I just had to get past my dad’s age. So turning 60 was a bit of milestone.”
Bradley has hosted The Chase since 2009.
He is also known for starring in Coronation Street and presenting the travel show Breaking Dad.
The TV host is married to Donna Derby and they are parents to Barney, 22, while he has a daughter from a previous relationship.
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