Intermittent Fasting Plan ~ Nutrition guide | Diet Plan
Intermittent Fasting Plan
You have everything that you need to start a customized intermittent fasting diet plan as early as today as long as you simply follow.
You’ll learn guaranteed methods to start losing weight and burning fat with fasting protocols like
16/8 fasting alternate day fasting the 5:2 diet the warrior diet and even the one meal a day diet.
The best part is that I’m gonna give you guys this complete step-by-step guide for free and I’m not
Gonna hold anything back because if I can help you start losing weight with intermittent fasting
Let’s get started first you should know that intermittent fasting isn’t as much of an eating plan
It’s an eating pattern this means that there is no approved and unapproved food list no specific
Calorie recommendations and no macronutrient targets.
Instead, you would take the intermittent fasting eating pattern and apply it to any kind of diet plan that you like the best whether that be paleo, keto, atkins, vegan, vegetarian carb cycling or an old-school bodybuilding 40-40-20 split the point of intermittent fasting is to make all of these eating plans fit into your life.
In an eating pattern that happens to be convenient for you and doesn’t worry if you’re a little confused right now.
You’ll know exactly which eating plan and which eating pattern is best for you so besides
Convenience a couple other benefits of intermittent fasting.
- Improved insulin sensitivity
- Fat loss
- Increased levels of muscle building
- Human growth hormone
- Enhance repair process for old and damaged cells
- Increased productivity
- Mental clarity
- Weight loss
All the different intermittent fasting protocols they all have one thing in common there’s a portion of the day that’s spent fasting where you don’t eat anything at all
There’s also another portion of the day where you’re allowed to eat which is known as
The eating window when first choosing the right intermittent fasting plan
You want to consider two major things which one will fit your lifestyle and preferences the best and which one you’re currently ready for because you’ll definitely want to ease your way into for in tougher fasting protocols with time and practice.
That means that if you’ve never fasted before you don’t want to start by planning too fast three days in a row because you’ll find it almost impossible to manage hunger you see the hunger that you currently feel at the moments of the day where all you can think about is food
Eat instead of a lot of the hunger that you feel comes from conditioned hunger responses that are created after years of practicing a certain eating pattern until it becomes a habit once established these eating habits aren’t just reinforced by your mind but they’re reinforced by your whole body down to a microscopic level
For example, your stomach will release a hunger hormone known as growling during the times of the day that you’re normally used to eating
This means that if you eat breakfast every day for a year straight but then one day you wake up too late and have to skip breakfast then you’re very likely to feel very hungry
However, if you skip breakfast again and again for the next few days and weeks you’ll adapt to the new eating pattern and the hunger will gradually diminish so the most common starting point for beginners is known as the 16-8 method
I want to start with that before we move on to tougher fasting protocols with 16-8 you would fast for 16 hours of the day and then you would eat within an eight-hour eating window to accomplish this most people will simply skip breakfast and just eat lunch and dinner
You can choose to break you’re fast earlier and skip dinner instead of breakfast.
You also aren’t limited to just two meals per day you can technically have as many meals as you want as long as they all fall within that eight-hour portion of the day.
That you’re allowed to eat for but to keep things simple let’s pretend that you decide to start your eating window at one o’clock and end it eight hours later.
This would mean that you wouldn’t be able to eat anything between 9 o’clock at
Night and one o’clock the next day and since you’re restricting the amount of time per day.
You’ll most likely be eating less automatically however it doesn’t always work
Out that way and even if you do start losing body fat by simply skipping breakfast without a
The systematic step-by-step process
You’ll be completely stuck once you stop losing weight hit your first plateau and the results start slowing down, calculate exactly how many calories and macros
You’ll need to aim for every day to burn fat and the easiest way to do that is by using my free fat loss calculator that gives you a recommended plan or you could choose another dieting style
Some of you may want more carbs in your diet so you might go with the higher carb dieting
Others may want more fat rather than carbs so they can choose the ketogenic option
No matter which plans you choose all of them will work fine with intermittent fasting and you’ll be able to spread those calories and those macros out between your meals in a way that actually suits your lifestyle
So let’s say that you love eating at night you can have 30 percent of your daily calories and macros for your first meal at 1 o’clock and save the other 70 percent for a large satisfying dinner around 8 o’clock
You can also do the reverse so 70 percent for your first meal and then 30 percent for your last or you could do 50/50 where you can have 3 meals and do 20 20 60.
If you want to eat past 9 o’clock if you’re a really late night eater you can set up your eating
Window to start later on in the day let’s say at 4 o’clock and that would allow you to continue
Eating all the way until midnight with intermittent fasting
You really do have a lot of options but regardless of how you set up your plan after you’ve picked the plan that you like you should monitor the number of calories and macros that you’re eating.
For the first few days or at least until you get the general idea of exactly how much food you should be eating per day because you can still very easily over-eat within an eight-hour time limit.
To prevent overeating I recommend filling your diet with a lot of green vegetables high-quality sources of protein healthy sources of fat and high-fiber carbohydrates all of these will fill you up and keep you full for longer.
In general, you want to be eating whole natural single ingredient foods the majority of the time but you can also incorporate some junk food into your diet without sacrificing results and you would do that by filling in the gaps in your macros.
Your last meal and you already ate a bunch of vegetables and protein as well as some healthy
Fats and carbohydrates but you still have 45 the carbs and 10 grams of fat leftover for the day
Rather than having a serving of brown rice with some butter you can have 4 or 5 oreos instead.
Just keep in mind that you should only reach for the snacks and sweets after you’ve already filled your stomach up with healthy food because most junk food is very dense in calories but not very filling.
Again I recommend tracking your macros like this in the beginning but this is definitely not something that you’ll be doing forever as soon as you have a good idea of how much total food you’re allowed to eat for the day.
You can switch over to a more intuitive approach now managing hunger during your
16 hour fast is a little trickier because you obviously won’t be able to eat any food
There are things you can do to really help first of all I already said as long as you’re eating
Filling natural foods during your last meal before you start your fast it’ll be a lot easier to control
Your appetite.
Once you’re fasting black coffee can be really effective at helping some people reduce
Their hunger throughout the day and it’s really not the end of the world
If you add a little bit of cream to your coffee drinking a lot of water throughout the day will help as well and you can also drink things like green tea and lemon water
Now once you feel like you’ve mastered the 16-8 fasting protocol you could stick with it or you can move on to a tougher one like the warrior diet which is a 24 split meaning you would fast for 20 hours per day and only allow yourself to eat for 4 hours.
Within a 4-hour time limit, you’ll probably only be able to get a maximum of 2 meals
Or just one meal and a snack but you’ll feel like you’re able to eat a lot more freely
Hot dog eating champions eat close to 20,000 calories in 10 minutes but logically speaking if
You’re cramming your whole day’s worth of calories.
You can just like with 16-8 the same rules applied you can position your four-hour eating window in the morning at night or in the middle of the day you can also once again divide your macros and calories.
How you want between your meals having more at the beginning of your eating window or more towards the end. It’s entirely up to you but after mastering the warrior diet you can try to move on to the next protocol one meal a day.
This is technically supposed to be a 23:00 one split where you only have an hour per day to eat your meal, it becomes even easier not to overeat even if you’re eating freely you have a lot more room for high-calorie foods and for one giant very filling meal.
With 1 meal a day you finally can eat it’s especially important to start with a high-quality source of
Protein a lot of vegetables and healthy sources of carbs and fats.
After fasting for almost the whole day you’re gonna want to eat anything you can get your hands on like I said we don’t want this to turn into a hot dog eating contest after you eat a truly filling healthy meal
Muscle loss
In intermittent we won’t have risk of muscle loss. But in one meal a day we put muscle into a starvation mode well I wouldn’t recommend the one meal a day diet or even the warrior diet for those of you that are primarily focused on gaining muscle mass.
It’s gonna be so hard to take in enough calories in just one meal to stay in a caloric surplus but
It turns out that even though it’ll be very tough to gain muscle you won’t be losing it.
According to studies protein breakdown rates dropped when you’re fasting and human growth
Hormone goes up which helps preserve muscle loss also your body evolved long before.
We had things like agriculture and refrigerators your body is fully capable of going without food for at least 3 days before you see any negative effects on muscle and after those three days protein breakdown rates decrease.
Even more, the bottom line is that you don’t have to worry about muscle loss unless you’re doing a
Real really long fast and before you even try something like a three-day fast.
You should try the last two fasting protocols that I want to go over with you right now alternate day fasting or the 5:2 diet these are actually very similar fasting plans because they both involve going 24 full hours.
Without food on certain days and then eating freely
Alternate-day fasting you would have as close to zero calories one day then you would eat freely.
It’s unlikely that you’ll eat two days worth of food in just one day however it’s not impossible so you do want to keep an eye on your results and make changes to the amount you’re eating.
If you’re not losing weight or if you’re losing weight too fast with the 5:2 diet you would spend two days per week fasting and five days eating freely
The two days don’t have to be consecutive back-to-back days but they can be with both of these fasting protocols
You have some people choose to still eat around 500 calories on their fasting days to help hold them
Over but I recommend that if you feel like you need those 500 calories you might be better off
Sticking with a shorter fasting protocol like 16:8
Breaking the fast
I really think that some people are over complicating it all of the fastings protocols, don’t last long enough for you to obsess over.
Exactly what to eat first second and third when you can start eating again
You only have to ease back into eating food when you do a fast that lasts longer than three days because your digestive system will need some warming up.
If you fast for three days or longer then you can start incorporating the bone broths and the
Apple cider vinegar and things like that
All the fasting plans that I talked about today your number one priority when ending you’re fast should be to start with a meal high in protein and vegetables to prevent overeating .
Don’t stress yourself out now in regard to fasted training as of right now.
There are some studies that support the theory that you could burn more fat by exercising in a fasted state
There are other studies that show that fat loss will level out by the end of the day whether you train for that or not
I really like to train while fasting because I feel less tired without having to digest a pre-workout meal and I tend to get a better workout on an empty stomach
Other people it’s the exact opposite effect regardless even if you do burn a little more fat by exercising on an empty stomach I really don’t think.
It’ll make that much of a huge huge difference so position your workout at a time that’s most convenient and works best for you
Losing either 20 pounds or 5% of their body fat in only 42 days not only will you get a customized diet plan but you’ll also get a 42-day workout plan.